

“Cultivate your success mindset with inspired reading, positive thoughts, daily gratitude and learning from life’s failures."   - Cheryl Thacker

In this workbook we’ll examine the differences
between a fixed and growth mindset and how it affects your self-esteem, confidence and your ability to get what you want.


Coach Cheryl Thacker, PCC, BCC


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says
I’m Possible! 
                                                                                                              Audrey Hepburn

Imagine a coach or entrepreneur that you respect and admire. Think what they must have been like at the start of their journey to creating their own business. How they had to start at the beginning just like everyone else does. But at some point, they jumped ahead. They saw their dreams and aspirations come to life as they built a successful business. No matter who it is you are thinking about, they most likely had a Success Mindset. Some already had it when they chose to go into business for themselves and others had to design one to move them forward. Those that don’t develop one find themselves struggling for clients and success.


In this workbook we’ll examine the differences between a fixed and growth mindset and how it affects your self-esteem, confidence and your ability to get what you want. This workbook is going to help you to design the mindset you need to be successful in your life and business. Let’s get to it!


To Your Success!

Coach Cheryl